The Working Class Party held a “Meet-and-Greet” the candidates meeting on September 23 in Detroit. Gary Walkowicz, one of the candidates, introduced the meeting, talking about the answers the working class would have to the current disastrous situation we are in. He was followed by eight other candidates who explained, based on their own lives, why they thought the working class needed its own party and why they wanted to run as its candidates. Mary Anne Hering followed, reminding everyone that, just as in 2016, when the Working Class Party rolled up almost a quarter of a million votes, the party’s results will depend on what people in the meeting do. Everyone has friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and all of those people know people. It’s a network that helped get Working Class Party its votes last time. Finally, Sam Johnson wrapped up the meeting, calling on everyone there to keep their eyes fixed on the bigger picture.
In 2016, the Working Class Party had only three candidates. In 2018, there are 11 – and that increase was applauded by the audience. One of the candidates said, “I believe those who do the work are capable of working out the best solutions. Workers know how to get it done best. The Working Class Party is a just cause, worth fighting for and dedicating my life to because I believe in the working class to the core of my soul.” It was a sentiment shared by all the candidates and by most everyone who came to hear the candidates. People at the meeting have already been talking about the Working Class Party with their friends and families. And they hope you join them.
The following people are candidates in 2018:
For the 5th Congressional District – Kathy Goodwin
For the 9th Congressional District – Andrea Kirby
For the 12th Congressional District – Gary Walkowicz
For the 13th Congressional District – Sam Johnson
For the 14th Congressional District – Philip Kolody
For State Board of Education – Mary Anne Hering and Logan R. Smith
For 3rd District, Michigan State Senate – Hali McEachern
For 5th District, Michigan State Senate – Larry Betts
For 18th District, Michigan State Senate – Thomas Repasky
For 29th District, Michigan State Senate – Louis Palus
See the Michigan 2018 section for Gary Walkowicz’s speech.
There is also a statement in that section that you can print, or send via social media or email to friends who might be interested. It has the candidates’ names and picture on it.