Results of Vote for Working Class Party

The results for Working Class Party in Michigan have now all been reported. They are as follows, by order of district:

  • Kathy Goodwin (5th Congressional District) – 12,645 votes or 4.57%
  • Andrea Kirby (9th Congressional District) - 6,862 votes or 2.25%
  • Gary Walkowicz (12th Congressional District) – 6,691 votes or 2.29%
  • Sam Johnson (13th Congressional District) – 21,978 votes or 11.35%
  • Philip Kolody (14th Congressional District) – 4,702 votes or 1.80%
  • Hali McEachern (3rd State Senate District) – 2,089 votes or 2.93%
  • Larry Betts (5th State Senate District) – 3,879 votes or 4.35%
  • Thomas Repasky (18th State Senate District) – 2,954 votes or 2.34%
  • Louis Palus (29th State Senate District) – 1,313 votes or 1.20%

And for State Board of Education, which is a state-wide vote:

  • Mary Anne Hering – 125,171 votes or 1.74%
  • Logan R. Smith – 90,670 votes or 1.26%

The Working Class Party issued the following statement this morning.

Our results may be small when compared to the results of the two major parties, but they show, once again, that Working Class Party was able to find a response in part of the working class.

With little money and only voluntary labor, we were able not only to maintain our electorate, but to expand on it into more districts than two years ago. In 2016, we had candidates in only two congressional districts, this time we had five; and we had four state senate candidates in 2018 for the first time. With candidates in Flint and Grand Rapids, as well as the northern suburbs of Detroit, we were able to expand geographically as well.

In 2016, Mary Anne Hering was the only Working Class Party candidate for State Board of Education. This year our two candidates came in first and third out of the seven candidates from minor parties on the ballot. Once again, the results guarantee that Working Class Party will be able to appear on the 2020 ballot, as the result of our votes for the State Board of Education.

When we said that the working class isn't represented in the elections, that we need our own party, we found a sizable number who agreed with us, including many who nonetheless said they had no choice but to vote for one of the major parties – for practical reasons. But despite a vicious campaign marked by Trump's attempt to dredge up every prejudice, and by the Democrats' attempt to appear as the party of change, there continue to be people who understand that working people will have no future until the working class organizes politically to fight for itself. For those people who agree that the working class must have its own party, and that it will have to fight to get it, Working Class Party on the ballot gave them a way to express what they think.

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