There's Work to Be Done – with or without an Election

Working Class Party did well in the 2016 elections, despite being a new party. We got about 13 times as many votes as we needed to stay on the ballot in 2018, and our candidate for State Board of Education got more votes than any other minor party candidate.

But our goal is not elections. We want to see the working class organize its own party. And in 2016, we wanted to give people a way through their vote to say that.

For the working class to have its own party will be a long-term struggle. 2016 was only a tiny step in that direction.

The working class needs its own publicists, its own agitators, its own speakers, its own organizers. Some of the people who campaigned in 2016 are now using a small leaflet declaring that the working class needs its own party – as a way to begin a discussion with people they know or people they might meet.

Download and print a PDF of this leaflet – try using it to talk to other people about this idea.

The six pages of the program on this site propose the working class answer to the big problems we face: jobs, wages, schools, public services, our lack of control over an economy gone wild. We try to discuss these ideas also.

Please let us know what you hear from working people around you. You can contact us through this website, or at the e-mail address of the Working Class Party (

For the Working Class Party,
Mary Anne Hering, Sam Johnson, Gary Walkowicz

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