The Working Class Party of Michigan has nominated its candidates for the 2024 election. In 2016, when the party was formed, there were only three candidates. Today, there are 15.
Two of our candidates are on the ballot in every district in the state: MARY ANN HERING, running for State Board of Education, and SUZANNE ROEHRIG, for Wayne State University Board of Governors.
Seven of our candidates are running for Congress in districts where more than half the state’s population lives: LIZ HAKOLA in the 1st District; LOU PALUS, 3rd District; KATHY GOODWIN, 8th District; JIM WALKOWICZ, 9th District; ANDREA L. KIRBY, 10th District; GARY WALKOWICZ, 12th District; and SIMONE R. COLEMAN, 13th District.
Six other people are running for State Representative positions: MARK DaSACCO, District 2; LARRY DARNELL BETTS, District 3; LINDA RAYBURN, District 7; LOGAN AUSHERMAN, District 8; HASHIM MALIK BAKARI, District 13; and LINDA GREEN-HARRIS, District 16.
All of these candidates want to see the working class build its own party.
The working class occupies the very heart of the economy. Our class produces the food, goods and services society needs; our class transports them and distributes them. Our class is in the center of financial services. Our class could, when it brings its own forces together, control the economy, where capitalism gets its power today.
Capitalism, thirsty for more profit, engenders poverty, crime, racist violence, hatred for other people, misogyny and war.
We believe the future is in the workers’ hands.
Top Row: Jim Walkowicz, Andrea L. Kirby, Gary Walkowicz, Simone R. Coleman;
Middle: Linda Green-Harris, Lou Palus, Mary Anne Hering, Suzanne Roehrig, Logan Ausherman;
Front: Kathy Goodwin, Larry Darnell Betts, Liz Hakola, Marc DaSacco, Linda Rayburn, Hashim Malik Bakari.