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Chicago: Election Results for Ed Hershey

Six hundred and two people cast their vote for Ed Hershey in the election for alderman of the 25th ward in Chicago, 8.23% of those who voted.

More Charter Teachers Want a Union

Teachers at two charter school networks in Chicago have been collecting signatures to demand recognition for their union, ChiACTS (AFT4343). Five schools are involved, three at Urban Prep and two at North Lawndale College Prep. Significantly more than half the teachers at these two charters have signed cards, indicating that ChiACTS already has enough to be recognized as the representative of the teachers involved – if the two charter companies were ready to recognize the teachers' democratic rights.

Ed Hershey Speaks at Rally

The campaign to elect Ed Hershey organized a rally, Saturday February 7, at the National Museum of Mexican Art in the Pilsen neighborhood of the 25th Ward. Ed spoke, and then answered questions and comments from the audience. Afterwards, people shared light refreshments, while talking with Ed and with others who came to hear Ed.

ChiACTS Endorses Ed Hershey

The Chicago Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff, AFT Local 4343, yesterday endorsed Ed Hershey in the election for 25th Ward Alderman. ChiACTS is the second Chicago teachers union to support Ed, the one candidate who stands for a working class fight, based on a working class policy.

CTU Endorses Ed Hershey for 25th Ward Alderman

Last night (Wednesday, January 14th), the Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates, its ruling body, voted by a wide margin to endorse Ed Hershey in his race for 25th ward alderman. Teacher and Paraprofessional delegates, who each represent the school where they work, voted for a teacher who has stood up to fight for better schools in Chicago. Ed Hershey’s campaign will work to spread the message that working people have to fight for the schools, jobs and public services that they need.

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