Mary Anne Hering: To Mask or Not to Mask

We should refuse to be turned against each other, because the real fight is not over masking. The real fight is to take back the wealth we have created by our labor, and use it for our children, and the rest of society.

Cop is Convicted -- Convict the System Too

Statement on Guilty Verdict for Murderer of George Floyd

Total Results for WCP of Michigan

In the midst of an election campaign presented by the two big parties as a do-or-die contest, the Working Class Party effectively maintained our base, built up since 2016, when Working Class Party first made it on to the ballot in Michigan.

Results for WCP of Md in Baltimore Election

David Harding, candidate of the Working Class Party of Maryland, had 3,677 votes (as of the November 10 count) for mayor of Baltimore City. This was about 1.7% of the votes cast for mayor.

Working Class Party (MI) Partial Results

Nov. 4, the day after – like everyone else, we are waiting for the final counts. But one thing we can see already is that Working Class Party maintained its vote from two years ago. This was important, given the virus, as well as an election campaign that insisted everyone choose sides between the two big parties. Certainly, the 2020 election was not exactly comparable with 2018. And our results one day after the election, are still very incomplete. Nonetheless, they show that there is a steady, if small, part of the population who agree with our affirmation that working people need their own party, and furthermore that working people have the capacity to build a different society than the one we are caught in today.

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